Thursday, October 6, 2011


Negligent Security cases involve individuals that have been attacked and injured on a business owner's property, when the business owner is negligent of failing to provide proper security in the area. Contact a south florida attorney. The owner of a business property has a duty to protect a guest on the premises from a criminal attack that is reasonably foreseeable. The foreseeability of an attack is based upon the business owner's past experience that there is a likelihood of disorderly conduct which may endanger the safety of his patrons. Therefore, in other words, if management knew or should have known of a general or specific risk to individuals and failed to take reasonable steps to guard against that risk and because of that failure a person is injured due to an attack, the business owner may be held financially responsible for the victim's injuries.

In order to prove a negligence security case, a good source of information to show prior similar attacks would be to obtain police records. The police department assigned to the business property should keep records of every time they are called to the business establishment because of an alleged crime or assault. The department codes the calls and divides them into different categories such as burglary, larceny, vandalism, robbery, assault, stolen vehicle and other crimes. If it can be established that the business owner knew based upon past experience of a likelihood that their patrons would be endangered and attacked, and failed to implement proper procedures for the safety of their patrons, they may be held liable for negligent security and be responsible to the injured person for those injuries. Contact a south florida attorney.

Different ways that a business owner can protect their patrons would be to maintain proper lighting in the business establishment, and possibly even hire a security guard to patrol the area in an attempt to keep the area safe for their patrons. The more evidence of prior incidents of crimes at the business owner's property, the higher the likelihood that the business owner is going to be held liable for the victim's injuries. Along with the claim for negligent security, a victim of a crime may also make a claim through the office of the Florida Attorney General, Bureau of Victim's Compensation. The State of Florida through the Attorney General's office has set up a trust fund to offer financial assistance to victims of violent crimes who were injured as a result of a crime and are experiencing financial hardship. Contact a south florida attorney.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Help for the Injured: Your Legal Rights

One of the major issues after an automobile collision is the renting of a substitute
vehicle while one’s car is being repaired. There are two ways to obtain rental coverage after an automobile collision.

The first thing in the event of a car accident is through one’s own automobile insurance policy. When a person buys automobile insurance, one of the coverages that can be purchased is “rental coverage”. Usually the rental coverage on one’s own policy will state a certain allowance per day for the rental
coverage for a limited amount of time. It is important that a person be aware of the limits
in coverage before renting a vehicle, and to try to obtain a rental vehicle within the
coverage limits in order to avoid paying any additional costs.

The second possibility is to obtain a rental vehicle through the at-fault driver’s policy. If a
person is in a motor vehicle collision which was not their fault, and the person that
caused the accident has property damage liability coverage, then the victim of the crash
is entitled to both payment for the repairs of their car and a rental vehicle.
When pursuing a claim for rental coverage against the at-fault driver’s insurance, the
victim of the crash is entitled to rent a vehicle “similar” to the vehicle that they own. This
means the at-fault driver’s insurance company will not pay for the rental of a Cadillac
Escalade, when the victim was driving a Toyota Corolla.

It is important that the victim contact the insurance company of the at-fault driver to
confirm that they accepted responsibility for paying the property damage claim and that
they are aware that the victim is renting a vehicle. Also, the victim should request that
the at-fault driver’s insurance company set up a “direct bill” with the rental car company.
This will allow the rental car company to submit the rental charges directly to the
insurance company of the at fault driver. Therefore, the renter will not have to pay first
and then wait to be reimbursed.

Another issue with reference to renting a vehicle is whether or not to purchase the extra
insurance offered by the rental car company. Please be advised that a person’s own
insurance company, in most situations, will cover the rental vehicle while the person’s
car is being repaired. Therefore, most of the time, a person who is renting a car does
not have to pay for the extra insurance if you already have automobile insurance for
your own car.

Please review your own automobile insurance company policy to confirm if your
personal automobile insurance covers you while you are driving a rental car. Also,
please be advised that, if you do decide to purchase the extra insurance with the rental
car company, the liability insurance company paying for the rental vehicle will not pay
for this extra expense, and you would be responsible for this additional cost.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


In Florida, if you are injured due to the negligence of another, you are entitled to collect monetary compensation for your injuries. If you have been injured in any type of accident, it is important that you speak with an attorney immediately after the accident to obtain information regarding your legal rights.
In Florida, if you are injured due to the negligence of another, you are entitled to collect monetary compensation for your injuries. If you have been injured in any type of accident, it is important that you speak with an attorney immediately after the accident to obtain information regarding your legal rights.

Another reason to speak to an attorney as soon as possible is for the attorney handling the case to begin to investigate the incident and obtain evidence to prove your case. As the person bringing the case against the negligent party, you have the burden of proving that the other person did something wrong to cause your injuries.

If you cannot prove it, you may no have a case. The longer you wait to call an attorney the greater the opportunity for evidence to begin to disappear, whether it be a surveillance tape from a department store which taped your fall, or a dangerous parking lot area with a cracked surface, that caused you to trip and hurt yourself. Within a reasonable amount of time after signing up a client, the attorney should go out to the scene of the accident and obtain the appropriate pictures of the dangerous condition. The more time passes, the greater the opportunity for the negligent person or company to fix the danger.

For example, an investigation associated with an automobile accident involves several steps. To help prove your case, your attorney’s office should take photographs of your vehicle if the damage is significant, obtain a copy of the police report, contact the witness and request their written sworn statements as to what occurred in the collision and obtain the insurance information from the at fault driver. After the initial investigation, medical records should be requested to document your injuries.

After you have been finalized from the doctor, a settlement demand package will be sent to the at fault driver’s insurance company, and the settlement negotiations for your case should begin. As the settlement negotiations continue, you should be kept informed of any offers. Your attorney should advise you of how much money to accept from the insurance based upon all the facts of the loss, but ultimately it is your decision of whether to accept an offer or not. An attorney cannot accept any offers without the authority of the client.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


We all know that we need automobile insurance. However, most people do not put much time in deciding what types of liability insurance they need and what limits to purchase.
Bodily injury liability coverage (BI) and uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM) coverage are not required by law. Therefore, most people believe they have “full coverage” when
in reality they do not.

There are several different coverages that are contained within your automobile insurance policy. Coverage such as bodily injury liability protects you, the insured, from claims filed against you while coverage such as uninsured/underinsured motorist protects you from damages you sustain due to the negligence of others.

Bodily injury liability coverage is designed to protect the insured from claims where the
insured is at fault in an accident and causes damages/injuries to others. This coverage
can be purchased in several different increments, for example $25,000/$50,000/$25,000
or $100,000/$300,000/$50,000.

The first number represents how much the insurance company will pay per person
injured in an accident and the second number represents how much the insurance
company will pay for all people injured in an accident. The third number represents how
much the insurance company will pay for property damage caused by the insured to

Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage can be purchased in the same limits as your
bodily injury liability coverage. UM coverage protects you, the insured, from injuries
and medical expenses caused by the negligence of others who do not have sufficient
liability coverage. In order to collect uninsured/underinsured motorist benefits the
insured has to demonstrate that the other driver was at fault for the accident and caused
the injuries.

The insurance company has an adversarial relationship with its insured in this type of
insurance, therefore it is often beneficial for the insured to retain an attorney to represent
his or her interests. A large percentage of drivers do not carry bodily injury liability
insurance or sufficient liability limits and therefore, uninsured/underinsured motorist
coverage is a very important coverage to purchase in order to protect your own assets and
well being.

Oftentimes, someone is injured in an automobile accident and is in need of insurance
coverage to protect them from injuries and damages sustained in the accident. If there is
no coverage or insufficient coverage, the injured person can go uncompensated for
serious injuries, medical expenses and lost wages. If the at fault party does not have
insurance or has limits that are too low they can be faced with a personal liability
exposure. This means that their personal assets may be at risk to compensate the injured
victim. Therefore, it is beneficial to purchase as much BI and UM coverage as you can
afford and an amount which is consistent with your assets and earning ability. You do
not want to be liable for a claim against you that exceeds the amount of insurance you
purchased. You could be putting your personal assets at risk. Likewise, you do not want
to incur medical bills and lost wages due to the negligence of another who does not have
BI coverage sufficient to compensate you. Either scenario can lead to financial hardship.
In conclusion, do not leave yourself unprotected in the event you sustain serious injuries,
medical expenses and lost wages. Furthermore, do not go unprotected for injuries or
damages you may cause to others. Consult an attorney or insurance agent and obtain an
insurance assessment before you are faced with either scenario.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Be Prepared for Hurricane Season

Be Prepared for Hurricane Season. Document Your Property.

When most people think of hurricane preparedness, they think about storm shutters, bottled water, and a generator. Most do not think about documenting their property and belongings. With hurricane season here, you need to consider what would happen if your home and belongings are damaged by the storm. What if you have to prove damage? What you have to hire and attorney? Here are a few tips for preparing for hurricane season.

1. Before hurricane season begins, review your policy to make sure you are properly
insured and understand your coverage.
2. If you have any questions or don’t understand your policy, make an appointment
with your agent to go over it.
3. Once the hurricane is headed our way, insurers will not make changes to your
4. Be prepared to document a claim before it occurs.
5. Take still pictures or videos of your house and personal belongings to insure there is no doubt as to what you owned before the storm.
6. Gather receipts for expensive items you may have purchased.
7. For those without a receipt, create an inventory: make, model, year of purchase and cost.
8. Save information in a safe place where it cannot be destroyed.
9. Consider an electronic copy of these documents or sending a copy to a friend or family member out of state.
10. If you can’t get your claim paid in a timely manner or your claim is denied, hire an attorney.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Your Legal Rights In a Dog Attack

If you are a dog owner or if you have been bitten by a dog, you should know the legal ramifications of a dog bite or attack. Dog owners are 100% liable if their dog bites or attacks another person and injures them. Also, the person attacked usually has the right to total compensation for the injury. Of course, the exceptions are if the person bitten was trespassing or provoking the dog.

What you need to know as a home owner, is that if you have a dangerous or vicious dog, you are under 100% responsibility to make sure your dog does not bite anyone. You are responsible to keep your dog confined indoors or within a secure fence and you should keep the dog muzzled and on leash when walking the dog. If the dog bites or injures someone, you are then 100% liable to pay for the dog bite injury. Your homeowner's insurance policy will usually cover dog attacks as long as you inform your insurance company that you own a dog and the type of dog breed you have. If you are a renter and you have dog, it is important to get renter's insurance that will cover you if your dog bites or injures a person. Otherwise you could be sued directly if your dog bites someone.

If you are bitten by a dog, of course the first thing to consider is medical attention. Dog bites are highly toxic, and likely to become infected. Get medical help right away by going to the hospital emergency room or calling an ambulance if your injuries warrant that. Because the dog owner is liable, be sure to get photos of your injuries for documentation. Next, call an attorney to help you handle your case. Usually the dog owner's home owner's insurance or renter's insurance will cover your medical costs.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Injury from Harmful Medications

Drug side effect lawsuits: If a person suffers serious side effects from taking a medication as prescribed or according to the directions in the label, that person has a right to sue for monetary damages from being harmed by the medication.

Locate a South Florida personal injury attorney: A pharmaceutical company whose medication is for sale or is available by prescription must provide information on any potential harmful side effects of taking that medication. However, the public is not properly informed of any possible harmful effects of taking the medication and a person taking the drug is harmed by taking that medication, then the injured person has a legal right to be compensated.

If you or a loved one has experienced harmful side effects from a medication, you or your loved one may be able to sue the manufacturer of the medication. You have the right to be informed of any potentially harmful side effects of the medication that are prescribed. If you took a medication thinking that it was safe, but were harmed by the medication instead, you may have a right to be compensated by the drug company. If you have been harmed by your medication, it is in your best interest to contact an attorney who specializes in personal injury claims.

  • Chantix, an anti-smoking drug has recently been linked to increased risk of heart attack, depression, and even suicide.
  • Vioxx, prescribed for arthritis, has been found to also contribute to heart attack and stroke.
  • Accutune, a popular drug for sever acne has been linked to whole host of side effects including Crohns Disease or ulcerative colitis.

Patients have a right to take safe medication. If you have been harmed by your medication, talk to a personal injury attorney about your case. You may entitled to monetary compensation for your injuries.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Chantix Anti-Smoking Drug: Important Message

A recent study has revealed that Chantix, the most popular anti-smoking drug in the market, may increase the risk of heart attack and other heart disease, the exact ailments smokers are trying to prevent by kicking the habit. If you believe you were affected contact our office for a free consultation.
In the five years since Chantix was approved, it has been the subject of several Food and Drug Administration (FDA) safety reviews, particularly one concerning depression, suicidal thoughts and suicidal actions, which earned the drug the FDA’s strongest warning label, the “black box.” This past June, the FDA warned that Chantix may be linked to an increased risk of heart problems.
Read the full article about Chantix and Heartattacks.
If you or some you know has taken Chantix and suffered a heart attack or adverse cardiovascular problems; or has suffered psychological problems such as depression or suicidal thoughts, please contact our office for a free consultation. You may be entitled to receive monetary compensation.
Call Now for a Free Consultation:  In Broward, (954) 653-9969; Miami-Dade, (305) 259-7100; For Myers & Naples, (239) 332-0268 or toll-free, (866) 913-3948

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Personal Injury Attorney on your Side

If you have been injured and it was someone else’s fault, you need to find a South Florida injury lawyer who has in depth experience in working with insurance companies. Insurance companies know your rights. Shouldn’t you?
If you have been injured or your property has been damaged or destroyed by someone else’s negligence, you need a South Florida attorney who can help you to obtain a settlement against the negligent party. When you hire an experienced South Florida law firm to handle your personal injury case, you will have knowledge on your side against the insurance company. Knowledge is power. The insurance company knows that if you have hired a reputable personal injury attorney to represent you that they will probably have to settle.
If you are injured and you don’t have an attorney, you are the mercy of the insurance company. Protect yourself by hiring a qualified South Florida personal injury attorney. If you have questions about your personal injury claim, who can you ask? You could ask the insurance company, but it is not in your best interest to do so. Instead, hire a legal professional who is on your side to recovery the maximum amount of damages from the insurance company.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident?

Have you or a family member been injured in a car accident that was someone else's fault? Are you currently missing work and missing paychecks? Perhaps you've even lost your job because of your injuries. You are entitled to know your legal rights.  An accident victim in South Florida who has suffered lasting or permanent injuries when someone else was careless or at fault, is able to seek legal action. If you seek legal action, you may be awarded moneyary compensation for your pain, suffering, damages, medical bills, and lost wages.

Here are some precautions to take if you are ever involved in a car accident:

  1. Notify the police immediately. It's a bad idea to agree to not call the police if the other party involved asks you not to. Even if they agree to pay you for your damages, always call the police anyway - Right away.
  2. Call an ambulance or have one called for you if you need it. Get medical help right away if you are injured.
  3. Get witness names and phone numbers
  4. Be sure that you get a copy of the police report
  5. Get photos of the scene of the accident and the cars that were involved in the accident.
  6. Seek legal help from a qualified South Florida attorney